Features of railway transportation

Trains that carry cargo can move both within the suburban border and between different cities and regions. Rail transport is a complex system in which the following specialists are involved:

  • cargo representative;
  • railway workers;
  • consignee.

Each representative of one or another link in the chain of completion of rail transport is responsible for safety, timely delivery and acceptance of cargo. Hence a number of features inherent in this type of transportation:

    • the consignee of large cargo must be provided at the point of arrival with specialized equipment capable of unloading;
    • the organizer of transportation must prepare all the necessary documentation, in particular, contracts with stations of departure and arrival, a unique code and account from which the write-off of funds;
    • the cargo representative must provide guarantees of its safety.

Transnational Logistics Company has extensive experience in the cargo transportation market. We are ready to offer you the most convenient and effective schemes and routes that minimize your costs. Order the calculation of your cargo transportation from Transnational Logistics Company right now!